LIGO Document T1300123-x0

IO Faraday Isolator Requirements and Design

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
This empty DCC entry lists the documentation related to the requirements and design of the Advanced LIGO input Faraday isolator
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
Design Requirements Document:
* T020020 - lists the IO requirements for isolation, transmission and mode quality into the interferometer.

Supporting Documents (background material, models, analyses...):
* T060267 and G060361 are IO documents for the Preliminary Design Review specifically describing the upgrade of FI and EOM for high power operation
* T060025 Analysis of Stray Magnetic Fields from the Advanced LIGO Faraday Isolator
* P1100095 High vacuum compatible high power Faraday isolators for gravitational-wave interferometers

Prototype Tests:
* T070021 Status of High Power Measurements in Faraday Isolators - is a technical note on the design and testing of the aLIGO FI prior to eLIGO installation
* G080205 E-LIGO Input Optics Characterization and Performance
* P1100056 Characterization of thermal effects in the Enhanced LIGO Input Optics

Other Design Documents
* T0900386 IO Final Design Document "Advanced LIGO Input Optics Final Design: Baffles, Layouts, Mode-Matching Telescope, Alignment"
* L1000062 IO Final Design Report
* T080075 Long-lead Procurement Readiness Review Document. This was the final design for the FI
* L080041 Review committee questions to IO regarding the Long-lead procurements Final Design Review and IO responses
* L080069 Long-lead Procurement Review Report
* T060269 PDR - The input FI was reviewed at the PD stage
* T070248 PDR report - The input FI was reviewed at the PD stage
* T080079 IO responses to PDR report

Referenced by:

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