LIGO Document T1300301-v1

Frequency Domain LQR

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Notes on designing optimal control using cost functions in the frequency domain. The optimization algorithm is the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) method. LQR is inherently a time domain method, so the challenge for frequency domain cost functions is converting them to the time domain and applying them correctly to the LQR algorithm.

There are two examples here:
1. Estimator/observer design for suspension modal damping
2. Cavity feedback (hierarchical control) for a double pendulum

Each example has a pdf doc, matlab code example, and the latex source files for the pdf.

Files in Document:
Other Files:
Notes and Changes:
* To use the modal damping estimator matlab files, uncompress the attached folder
and open FreqDomainQuadEstimator.m.

* To use the hierarchical control matlab files from the class project, uncompress the attached folder
and open Main.m

* some of the code calls pair.m, attached here as a separate file.

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