LIGO Document T1300665-v9

The LIGO Particulate Evaluation Tool (PET)

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
The LIGO Particulate Evaluation Tool(PET), based on a similar system designed by the National Ignition Facility (NIF), has been developed to quantify contamination on mechanical surfaces. The PET has three main components:
1. A dry swipe technique and particulate collection tool, aka swipe tool,
2. Sample analysis using a stereomicroscope and ToupView software to count particle area,
3. And an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the Particle Cleanliness Level (PCL).

A special thanks to NIF staff for sharing reports via e-mail and key information on this system during visits by the authors of this LIGO report. Refer to

Excel template for obtaining Particulate Cleanliness level, PCL, is E1300641

Notes and Changes:
Formerly known as the Particle Cleanliness Validation System (PCVS)

Added a folder with individual images of a test filter. Users can test their ToupView setup by attempting to stitch these images. - KG 4/10/14

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