LIGO Document T2100058-v5

Subtracting Narrow-band Noise from LIGO Strain Data in the Third Observing Run

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
11 Feb 2021, 06:08
05 Feb 2021, 08:26
The LIGO strain data contains narrow-band noise features due to injections from the photon calibrator and actuation system used to assist with the calibration and due to the 60 Hz A/C current of the U.S. power grid, along with the accompanying harmonics of this power mains noise. These narrow-band noise features can be disruptive to searches for persistent gravitational-wave signals, such as the search for continuous wave sources and a stochastic background. In an effort to improve the data quality for these analysis efforts, the LIGO calibration team developed a method for subtracting the narrow-band photon calibrator and actuation injections and power mains noise from the strain data in LIGO's third observing run. Here we discuss the methods used to achieve this subtraction.
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