LIGO Document T2300318-v1

Analyzing LIGO Ring Heaters: Investigating Electrical Shorting, Troubleshooting Mechanical Failures, and Modeling Future Designs - Rachel McQueen

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T - Technical notes
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LIGO interferometers use frequency and amplitude-stabilized lasers that are reflected using test masses (large, cylindrical mirrors) to detect gravitational waves. Because the laser light is stored in optical cavities within the interferometer, the test masses heat up. This physically deforms the surface of the mirror and modifies the index of refraction of the optic. Physical deformation causes the test masses to not reflect the laser optimally and the interferometer will not function at its highest sensitivity. Ring heaters are coils that heat the outside of a test mass through resistance to counteract this effect and allow us to control the deformation of the test mass surface. Our objective is to modify the current ring heater design and develop improvements to be implemented in future ring heaters. We accomplish this by troubleshooting issues in the current design, comparing designs between versions, and modeling different designs in COMSOL. We have built spare ring heaters, identified causes of grounding issues and weaknesses in the current design, successfully modeled how differently sized heating elements heat the test mass, and compared their effectiveness to the current design. With these results, we are now able to avoid grounding problems observed at other LIGO locations, as well as improve the ring heater design for future use.
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