LIGO Document T2300339-v1

Using Multimessenger Synthesis to Constrain Core-Collapse Supernova Distance and Orientation

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Gravitational wave (GW) emission from the next nearby core-collapse supernova (CCSN) will be an important multimessenger, containing intrinsic properties of the CCSN and its progenitor star. Prior work has related expressions for the earlier GW “core-bounce” signal and later dominant frequency mode from the protoneutron star (PNS) to CCSN parameters like the rotation and density profile. Other work has shown similar relationships, including CCSN neutrino luminosities and mean energies. We run a set of 2D neutrino radiation-hydrodynamic CCSN simulations, via FLASH, to more precisely quantify relationships between neutrinos, GW observables, and CCSN properties: angular momentum and compactness. Likewise, we propose a new multimessenger-based method to break the existing degeneracy between CCSN distance and orientation, providing a constraint on both parameters in the event of a CCSN GW detection.
Notes and Changes:
Project Supervisor: Dr. Michael Pajkos.
Mentor: Dr. Mark Scheel.

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