Document List by Author

Brittany Kamai of LIGO - California Institute of Technology is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Brittany Kamai)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T1800273-v3 Seismic Cloaking for LIGO Kaila Nathaniel et al. Detector
Seismic Isolation
30 Mar 2019
T1800312-v2 Real-Time Temperature Monitoring of Mechanical Oscillators Mandy Cheung et al. Detector
16 Mar 2019
D1700187-v5 GeNS system for Cryo Q Aaron Markowitz et al. Fabrication
System Engineering
Basic R&D
08 May 2017
T1700225-v2 Temperature Control and Coupled Oscillator Modelling for LIGO Voyager Jordan Kemp et al. Basic R&D
19 Feb 2018

Number of documents found: 4

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