LIGO Document T0900409-v1

Underground Seismic Studies for 3rd Generation Gravitational Wave Interferometric Detectors at the Former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota

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T - Technical notes
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Deep underground seismic studies are required in order to find a way to reduce the Newtonian noise in frequency range below 10Hz in third generation underground gravitational-wave interferometric detector data. A very promising site for such studies was located in the former Homestake mine in Lead, SD. A brief description of geology and infrastructure of the site is given. Between June and July 2009 five new seismometer stations were built in the Sanford Underground Laboratory in addition to the pre-existent three stations, realizing the present day array of eight stations. The construction of the new stations required stabilization and insulation of the seismometer sites, monitoring of environmental conditions and development of the network. Correlation measurements between neighboring stations would provide the most relevant results for the evaluation of the Newtonian noise subtraction technique. Finally preliminary results from the comparison between seismic data from Homestake deep underground and the LIGO Hanford site are presented.
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  • PDF (Final Report Homestake 2009_v2.pdf, 4.9 MB)
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