Document List by Author

Roman Schnabel of Institute for Laser Physics, University of Hamburg is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Roman Schnabel)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T1700231-v3 LSC Instrument Science White Paper 2017-2018 David McClelland et al. Core Optics
Basic R&D
24 Oct 2017
T1600119-v4 The LSC-Virgo White Paper on Instrument Science (2016-2017 edition) David McClelland et al. Basic R&D
27 Oct 2016
T1500290-v3 Instrument Science White Paper 2015 David McClelland et al. Detector
Basic R&D
11 Jul 2016
T1400316-v4 Instrument Science White Paper David McClelland et al. Squeezer
Basic R&D
Auxiliary Optics
Laser Systems
Input Optics
Sensing and Control
Seismic Isolation
Core Optics
10 Feb 2015
G1200644-v1 Interferometer Topologies and Prepared States of Light – Quantum Noise and Squeezing Roman Schnabel Detector
04 Jun 2012
P1100123-x0 Interferometer readout-noise below the Standard Quantum Limit of a membrane Tobias Westphal et al. Detector
26 Sep 2011
P1100043-v1 Waveguide grating mirror in a fully suspended 10 meter Fabry-Perot cavity Daniel Friedrich et al. Detector
Basic R&D
05 Apr 2011
P070100-x0 On the mechanical quality factors of cryogenic test masses from fused silica and crystalline quartz Iain Martin et al. Document Migration
Public relations
18 Nov 2009
P070099-x0 Diffractive beam splitter characterization via a power-recycled interferometer Roman Schnabel et al. Document Migration
Public relations
18 Nov 2009
P070094-x0 Phase and alignment noise in grating interferometers Roman Schnabel et al. Public relations
Document Migration
18 Nov 2009
P0900254-v1 Building blocks for future detectors: Silicon test masses and 1550 nm laser light Roman Schnabel et al. Detector
30 Oct 2009
P070072-x0 Observation of Squeezed Light with 10-dB Quantum-Noise Reduction Stefan Gossler et al. Document Migration
Public relations
28 Oct 2009
P070057-x0 Local readout enhancement for detuned signal-recycling interferometers Roman Schnabel et al. Public relations
Document Migration
28 Oct 2009
P080041-x0 Double optical spring enhancement for gravitational-wave detectors Roman Schnabel et al. Document Migration
Public relations
27 Oct 2009
P080107-x0 Observation of continuous-wave squeezed light at 1550 nm Andre Thuering et al. Document Migration
Public relations
26 Oct 2009
P080086-x0 Creation of a quantum oscillator by classical control Roman Schnabel et al. Public relations
Document Migration
26 Oct 2009
P0900124-v1 Quantum noise of a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer with translucent mechanical oscillator Stefan Gossler et al. Detector
Basic R&D
09 Oct 2009
T070265-x0 Proposal for a Squeezed H1 Interferometer Ping Koy Lam et al. Document Migration
05 Dec 2008
G080548-x0 Detuned Twin-Signal-Recycling - LSC/Virgo Collaboration Meeting, September 22-25, 2008, Amsterdam Karsten Danzmann et al. Document Migration
01 Oct 2008
G080549-x0 Generation of Squeezed Light @ 1550nm - LSC/Virgo Collaboration Meeting, September 22-25, 2008, Amsterdam Karsten Danzmann et al. Document Migration
01 Oct 2008
G080525-x0 Squeezed Light Injection in GEO600 - LSC/Virgo Collaboration Meeting, September 22-25, 2008, Amsterdam Karsten Danzmann et al. Document Migration
30 Sep 2008
G080436-x0 H1 Squeezer Experiment - LSC/Virgo Collaboration Meeting, September 22-25, 2008, Amsterdam Ping Koy Lam et al. Document Migration
30 Sep 2008
G080417-x0 H1 Squeezer Review Sheon Chua et al. Document Migration
10 Sep 2008
G080334-x0 H1 Squeezer Experiment - LSC/Virgo Collaboration Meeting, June 9-12, 2008, Orsay France Ping Koy Lam et al. Document Migration
24 Jun 2008
G070763-x0 Entanglement Between Test Masses - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting, October 22-25 2007, Hannover Germany Yanbei Chen et al. Document Migration
31 Oct 2007
G070766-x0 Double Optical Springs: Application to Gravitational Wave Detectors and Ponderomotive Squeezers - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting, October 22-25 2007, Hannover Germany Yanbei Chen et al. Document Migration
31 Oct 2007
G070764-x0 Verification of Conditional Quantum State in GW Detectors - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting, October 22-25 2007, Hannover Germany Yanbei Chen et al. Document Migration
31 Oct 2007
G070056-x0 Generation of squeezed states for Gravitational Wave detectors - LIGO/VIRGO Scientific Collaborations Meeting, Hilton Capitol Center, Baton Rouge LA, March 19-22, 2007 Simon Chelkowski et al. Document Migration
20 Mar 2007
G060366-x0 Nano-structured Optics for GW Detectors A Bunkowski et al. Document Migration
24 Jul 2006
G050204-x0 Low-loss Grating for Coupling to a High-Finesse Cavity - LSC Meeting, March 20-23, 2005, Livingston LA Peter Beyersdorf et al. Document Migration
25 Mar 2005
G050166-x0 Experimental Characterization of Frequency-Dependent Squeeze Light - LSC Meeting, March 20-23, 2005, Livingston LA Simon Chelkowski et al. Document Migration
25 Mar 2005
G050052-x0 Experimental Characterization of Frequency Dependent Squeezed Light - 2005 Aspen Winter Conference Simon Chelkowski et al. Document Migration
02 Feb 2005
G050051-x0 Low-loss Grating for Coupling to a High-Finesse Cavity - 2005 Aspen Winter Conference Peter Beyersdorf et al. Document Migration
01 Feb 2005
G040386-x0 All-reflective Optics for Gravitational Wave Detectors - LSC Meeting, August 16th-19th, 2004, Hanford WA Peter Beyersdorf et al. Document Migration
19 Aug 2004
G040209-x0 Squeezed Light and Sideband Frequencies Below 100 kHz Warwick Bowen et al. Document Migration
31 Mar 2004
G030221-x0 Manipulating the Quantum Noise: Squeezing, Entanglement and Teleportation - Aspen Conference 2003 Hans Bachor et al. Document Migration
21 Apr 2003
G030220-x0 Squeezed Light Enhanced Michelson Interferometer - Aspen Conference 2003 Simon Chelkowski et al. Document Migration
21 Apr 2003

Number of documents found: 38

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