Document List by Author

Kazuhiro Yamamoto of Albert-Einstein-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Kazuhiro Yamamoto)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
M2200155-v6 Brief Guide to Citing the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Keith Riles et al. Data Analysis
18 Sep 2022
G0900610-v1 Effect of energy deposited by cosmic-ray particles on interferometric gravitational wave detectors Kazuhiro Yamamoto Meeting
30 Jul 2019
G0900630-v1 Radiation Pressure Noise Experiment in Hannover Kazuhiro Yamamoto Meeting
30 Jul 2019
G0900649-v1 Coating thermal noise of a finite-size cylindrical mirror Kazuhiro Yamamoto Meeting
30 Jul 2019
G1601857-v2 Current status of KAGRA Kazuhiro Yamamoto Commissioning
31 Aug 2016
G1200658-v1 KAGRA Emphasizing approaches to the mid-frequency band (Thermal noise, Cryogenic) Kazuhiro Yamamoto Detector
04 Jun 2012
G1200648-v1 Current status of KAGRA Cryogenic Kazuhiro Yamamoto Detector
04 Jun 2012
P1100123-x0 Interferometer readout-noise below the Standard Quantum Limit of a membrane Tobias Westphal et al. Detector
26 Sep 2011
P070151-x0 Current status of Japanese detectors Kazuaki Kuroda et al. Document Migration
Public relations
19 Oct 2009
P0900124-v1 Quantum noise of a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer with translucent mechanical oscillator Stefan Gossler et al. Basic R&D
09 Oct 2009
G080327-x0 Mechanical Loss in Coatings at Cryogenic Temperatures Kazuhiro Yamamoto Document Migration
09 Jun 2008
G030225-x0 Mechanical Loss of Optical Coating at Low Temperature - Aspen Conference 2003 T Haruyama et al. Document Migration
17 Apr 2003
G030025-x0 Mirror Coating Losses and their Thermal Noise Effects at Low Temperature Kazuhiro Yamamoto Document Migration
25 Feb 2003
G010364-x0 Study of the Thermal Noise Caused by Inhomogeneously Distributed Loss - LSC Meeting August 13 -16, Hanford WA Kazuhiro Yamamoto Document Migration
29 Aug 2001

Number of documents found: 14

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