Document List by Author

Hang Yu of LIGO - Massachusetts Institute of Technology is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T1800077-v4 Optimal control of the ARM alignment with digital compensation of the Sidles-Sigg radiation torque Hang Yu et al. Detector
26 Oct 2022
G2200297-v1 AS Port Wavefront Sensing for SRM/BS Signals Daniel Sigg et al. Sensing and Control
03 Mar 2022
T2000181-v3 Nonlinear Regression of Technical Noise in LIGO with Machine Learning Rana Adhikari et al. Machine Learning
Detector Characterization
Basic R&D
25 Oct 2021
T2000391-v1 Measuring The Hubble Constant With Dynamical Tides In Inspiraling Neutron Star Binaries James Sunseri et al. Compact Binaries
27 Mar 2021
T2000390-v4 Machine Learning Applications in Gravitational Wave Detection to Reduce Noise Nadezhda Dimitrova et al. Machine Learning
Data quality / vetoes
Detector Characterization
Data Analysis
02 Dec 2020
G1800989-v1 Angular control issues in Advanced LIGO Marie Kasprzack et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
Sensing and Control
17 May 2018
T1600397-v2 Beam Position from Angle to Length coefficients Marie Kasprzack et al. Sensing and Control
10 Oct 2017
E1700327-v1 ECR: SRC alignment with a new 118.3 MHz modulation scheme Daniel Sigg et al. Sensing and Control
06 Oct 2017
T1700013-v1 aLIGO, SQZ, Electronics, Analog, HV supply requirements John Miller et al. Squeezer
15 Apr 2017
G1500449-v1 Update on the multimode coating thermal noise experiment at MIT William Yam et al. Basic R&D
28 Mar 2015

Number of documents found: 10

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