LIGO Document E1000314-v3

aLIGO HAM-ISI, Test Report, Phase I: Assembly Validation, LHO Unit #5 (HAM3)

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
11 May 2012, 10:56
HAM-ISI Unit #5 was assembled during April 2012. The testing (assembly validation) of this unit was initially performed between May 2nd 2012 and May 8th 2012, with testing horizontal GS13s.

On May 14th 2012, production pods were available and testing horizontal GS13s were replaced . Tests involving GS13s were performed with the new set of production pods between May 21st and May 24th 2012.

Tests were performed in accordance with E1000309-V12 procedure.

-FUll set of production GS13s
-No L4C, no L4C brackets

Minor issues that don’t imply further work:
-CPS gap measurement with a jig was waived to avoid scratching targets
-Excessive STD measured on CPSs is associated to ground motion
-CPS-H1 noise spectrum is slightly out of requirements at 0.1Hz

Minor issues that imply further work:
-Actuators linearity is within requirement. However the average slope deviation is out of spec. It seems to correlate with the cable+actuator resistance measurements. This observation needs to be correlated with the final measurements made with the in-field cables.

Notes and Changes:
Production horizontal GS13s installed. All tests involving GS13s were performed again.

Horizontal actuator's S/N were recorded and added to the report

The computation/display scripts for the "GS13 extracted response VS huddle test response comparison curve" was updated to facilitate comparison.

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