The Chamber Side Testing was performed on HAM2-ISI between May 11th and May 16th 2012, in accordance with the second version of the Pre-Integration Chamber-Side Testing procedure (E1200513-v2).
All sensors appeared to be functional.
Initial Chamber Testing:
The Initial Chamber Testing was performed on HAM2-ISI during the last two weeks of August 2012. All the tests presented here were performed during that period. Other tasks were also performed then:
- Models were installed
- In-field cables were installed
- Electronic rack was troubleshooted:
o BIO-related cables missing fifth pin
o DAC/ADC card numbers in the IO chassis figured out
o BIO card used by the model figured out
-Commissioning scripts Version_2 were tested
- Pre-commissioning tests (damping, blend, Isolation level 1 and level 2) were performed. Results are attached to the report.
Few issues were found during the Initial In-Chamber Testing of this unit. The known issues are summed up below:
- CPSs and lockers will need to be reset after SUS install, as expected
- Some Overnight Transfer Function crashed due to incompatibility between Ubuntu OS and Mac computers.
Final Chamber Testing (pages 35 to 60)
- Abstract:
o This part of the Phase II testing took place in open chamber, with sheets on.
o It was the last phase of testing before the chamber was closed for the IMC test.
o All the suspensions, and optics, needed for the IMC test were then installed on the optical table of HAM2-ISI. PRM and PR3 will be installed once the IMC test is over.
o IO was done with installing/adjusting all optics on December 17th 2012.
o Most tests presented here were performed between Dec 17th and Dec 19th 2012
o The chamber was closed on Dec 20th 2012, after SEI approval of the latest set of transfer functions on Dec 19th 2012.
- Waved Tests:
o Step 6 - Tilted Spectra: Locked/Unlocked spectra look fine and this test was already validated during the Initial In-Chamber Testing section (step 9)
o Step 10 - The profile of the blade of corner 2 could not be measured. Pre-commissioning tests and transfer function indicate that it will not be an issue for the IMC test.
o LZMP: It is a lengthy measurement that needs tweaking before being run with suspensions on. Indeed, suspensions trip when the test is run.
- Particularities to be kept in mind
o CPS gaps need to be reset after IMC test.
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