LIGO Document E1300824-v3

aLIGO HEPI Assembly Validation Procedure

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
aLIGO HEPI Assembly Validation Procedure
Files in Document:
Other Files:
Notes and Changes:
- Added Step 15 - Alignment Offsets
- Added note to step 9 to remind of upcoming obsolescence
- Added table to the linearity test
- Added xls document to copy the tables from
- Replaced most screenshot tables by tables that can be edited
- Removed redundant section breaks so the header's document # only has to be updated twice: once on the cover, once on the second page
Comments docs in response to upcoming validation review--HR

3rd March 2015. Norna has uploaded to "Other Files" a document "Notes on HEPI Assembly Validation Procedure-version2" which captures which items in the validation procedure we have agreed can be waived/are redundant and spells out the reasons.

Referenced by:

DCC Version 3.4.3, contact Document Database Administrators