LIGO Document T030137-x0

ETM Controls Prototype: Mass Estimate of an ETM Suspension Layout

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
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Notes and Changes:

Migrated document information from the old DCC:
- Full document number: LIGO-T030137-06-D
- Author(s): Caroline Cantley; Dennis Coyne; Larry Jones; Russell Jones; M Perreur-lloyd; Norna Robertson; Janeen Hazel Romie; Calum Torrie
- Document date: 2004-11-21
- Document received date: 2006-04-13
- Document entry date: 2006-04-13

Rev T030137-05-D:
- Full document number: LIGO-T030137-05-D
- Author(s): Dennis Coyne; Larry Jones; M Perreur-lloyd; Norna Robertson; Janeen Hazel Romie; Calum Torrie
- Document date: 2004-07-21
- Document received date: 2004-07-22
- Document entry date: 2004-07-22

Rev T030137-04-D:
- Full document number: LIGO-T030137-04-D
- Author(s): Dennis Coyne; Larry Jones; M Perreur-lloyd; Norna Robertson; Janeen Hazel Romie; Calum Torrie
- Document date: 2003-07-22
- Document received date: 2003-09-19
- Document entry date: 2003-09-19

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