LIGO Document T1100404-v4

Note to support corrected jig settings-calculations for off-set fiducial lines of ETM04

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
This note explains the re-calculation of the jig settings for bonding on ears to test mass ETM04 based on measurements made by Gerardo Moreno (reported in T1100438) as they are incorporated into the jig-settings calculation sheet E1000265-v11.
Notes and Changes:
v1 26th July 2011 First draft for review by Ken Strain and Angus Bell
v2 12th August 2011 Checked by Angus Bell and Ken Strain, for review by Gerardo Moreno and Mark Barton
v3 7th September 2011 Correct error found in calculations found by Gerardo Moreno and added new measurements of the fiducials on ETM04 and calculations of the jig settings. After dry runs these jig settings do match up with fiducial lines.
v4 19th September 2011 A few additions to help clarify what is S1, S2, S3 and S4 and x
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