Document List by Author

Mark Barton of University of Glasgow is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Mark Barton)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T020205-v1 Models of the Advanced LIGO Suspensions in Mathematica™ Mark Barton Modelling
30 Apr 2012
T1300595-v1 Estimate of thermal and seismic noise from aLIGO quad suspension blade springs Liam Cunningham et al. Suspensions
Basic R&D
08 Dec 2023
T2200032-v3 Final Design Document (FDD, FDR): Balanced Homodyne Detection (BHD) for A+ Mark Barton et al. Sensing and Control
24 Oct 2023
T1000164-v5 Calculation and measurement of the OSEM actuator sweet spot position Mark Barton Suspensions
Subsystem Test
11 Oct 2023
E1000495-x0 aLIGO SUS QUAD Testing and Commissioning Documentation Derek Bridges et al. Assembly
Subsystem Test
29 Mar 2023
T1400446-x0 aLIGO SUS Pendulum Dynamics Modeling Mark Barton Modelling
17 Mar 2023
T080188-v2 Models of the Advanced LIGO Suspensions in MATLAB Mark Barton et al. Modelling
24 Aug 2022
T1400030-v1 aLIGO HTTS Controls Design Description Mark Barton et al. Preliminary Design
19 Nov 2020
T1400029-v1 aLIGO HAUX Controls Design Description Mark Barton et al. Preliminary Design
19 Nov 2020
T040072-v1 Triple Model Pendulum Parameter Descriptions and Naming Convention Jeffrey Kissel et al. Document Migration
30 Nov 2021
E030518-v22 HSTS Assembly Procedure Janeen Romie et al. Assembly
07 Mar 2013
E1000006-v24 Advanced LIGO Quad Suspension Metal-Build Assembly Procedure Joe ODell et al. Assembly
06 Aug 2020
G080254-x0 Proposal for baseline change from ribbons to fibres in monolithic stage Mark Barton Document Migration
20 Jul 2020
T1100438-v1 Report on fiducial line position measurements for ETM04 Gerardo Moreno et al. Core Optics
01 Jul 2020
T1100404-v4 Note to support corrected jig settings-calculations for off-set fiducial lines of ETM04 Marielle van Veggel et al. Suspensions
01 Jul 2020
T0900286-v3 AOSEM FDD: Advanced LIGO OSEM Final Design Document Bobby Moore et al. Suspensions
10 Jul 2019
E1100860-v4 AOSEM Electronic Noise Test Procedure Mark Barton Suspensions
Subsystem Test
10 Jul 2019
T1400296-v10 Conceptual Design of a Larger Beamsplitter Suspension Norna Robertson et al. Conceptual Design
Basic R&D
08 Apr 2019
T040027-v2 Conceptual Design of Beamsplitter Suspension for aLIGO Norna Robertson et al. Conceptual Design
14 Mar 2019
T0900083-v1 Modeling Cable Noise in LIGO Julian Earl Freed-Brown et al. Modelling
Final Design
16 Oct 2018
E1101030-v3 AOSEM Electronic Noise Test Data Mark Barton Suspensions
Subsystem Test
17 May 2018
T020059-v3 Are Reaction Chains Needed for aLIGO HAM Optics? Norna Robertson et al. Modelling
Sensing and Control
Seismic Isolation
Document Migration
13 Feb 2018
T0900103-v2 Hysteresis and pitch mode Q in the quad noise prototype and possible implications for thermal noise Mark Barton Modelling
Final Design
28 Jul 2017
E1300860-v2 Quick Start Guide for Advanced LIGO Suspensions Janeen Romie et al. Operations
17 Dec 2016
D1000759-v3 Advanced LIGO SUS ETM Production Monolithic Assembly Russell Jones et al. Assembly
Final Design
12 Jul 2016
E1000752-v5 Preparation of a thermal compensation plate (TCP) or end reaction mass (ERM) (Gluing wire break-off prisms and earthquake stops) Margot Hennig et al. Suspensions
08 Mar 2016
E1200343-v96 OSEM Chart Stuart Aston et al. Assembly
Subsystem Test
22 Oct 2015
T1300876-v4 Violin Mode Frequency/Q Summary as predicted by Models Mark Barton Final Design
08 Mar 2015
E1400151-x0 3rd IFO SUS ETMY Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
11 Feb 2015
E1400150-x0 3rd IFO SUS ETMX Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
11 Feb 2015
E1400149-x0 3rd IFO SUS ITMY Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
11 Feb 2015
E1400148-x0 3rd IFO SUS ITMX Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
11 Feb 2015
E1400146-x0 H1 SUS ITMX Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
11 Feb 2015
E1400147-x0 H1 SUS ITMY Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
11 Feb 2015
E1000521-x0 aLIGO SUS Quad Suspension Monolithic Build Test Reports Derek Bridges et al. Reports
Subsystem Test
01 Feb 2015
E1000517-x0 aLIGO SUS Quad Suspension Metal Build Test Reports Derek Bridges et al. Reports
Subsystem Test
01 Feb 2015
T1100616-v2 Buoyancy correction for suspensions Mark Barton et al. Suspensions
07 Jan 2015
E1000496-x0 aLIGO SUS BSFM Testing and Commissioning Documentation Derek Bridges et al. Assembly
Subsystem Test
25 Nov 2014
E1400161-v1 H1 SUS HLTS SR3 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
06 Nov 2014
E1200633-v2 aLIGO SUS Operations Manual Mark Barton et al. Operations
23 Sep 2014
T1300926-v2 HLTS Violin Mode Q Mark Barton Modelling
Subsystem Test
09 Sep 2014
T1200418-v4 LLO MC2 Violin Mode Q Mark Barton et al. Modelling
Subsystem Test
09 Sep 2014
E1400124-v1 H1 SUS HSTS SR2 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400123-v1 H1 SUS HSTS SRM Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400122-v2 H1 SUS HSTS PR2 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400121-v4 H1 SUS HSTS PRM Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400120-v3 H1 SUS HSTS MC3 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400118-v2 H1 SUS HSTS MC1 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400119-v1 H1 SUS HSTS MC2 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400129-x0 3rd IFO SUS HSTS SR2 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400128-x0 3rd IFO SUS HSTS SRM Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400127-x0 3rd IFO SUS HSTS PR2 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400126-x0 3rd IFO SUS HSTS MC3 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400125-x0 3rd IFO SUS HSTS MC2 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
05 Sep 2014
E1400187-v4 SUS Acceptance Data Summary Mark Barton Fabrication
04 Sep 2014
E1400157-x0 3rd IFO SUS BS Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
04 Sep 2014
E1400159-x0 3rd IFO SUS HLTS PR3 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
04 Sep 2014
T020011-x0 Suspension model comparisons Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
11 Jul 2014
T1400448-v1 Single Pendulum Parameter Descriptions and Naming Conventions Jeffrey Kissel et al. Modelling
07 Jul 2014
G1400629-v2 Overview of Mathematica and Matlab suspension modeling assets Mark Barton Modelling
11 Jun 2014
T1400185-x0 aLIGO Resonances Mark Barton Modelling
Subsystem Test
03 Jun 2014
T010007-v5 Cavity Optics Suspension Subsystem Design Requirements Mark Barton et al. Requirements
17 May 2014
E1400160-x0 3rd IFO SUS HLTS SR3 Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
30 Apr 2014
E1400158-x0 3rd IFO SUS OMC Acceptance Document Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
30 Apr 2014
T1400293-x0 Suspension Alignment Offsets and Gains Mark Barton et al. Modelling
21 Apr 2014
T1200415-v1 aLIGO LHO Resonances Mark Barton System Test
Subsystem Test
03 Mar 2014
T0900060-v2 OMC Suspension Final Design Document Jay Heefner et al. Final Design
20 Feb 2014
T1400155-x0 aLIGO LLO Resonances Mark Barton Subsystem Test
18 Feb 2014
G1400012-v2 Adding ECD to Matlab/Mathematica SUS models Mark Barton Modelling
15 Jan 2014
T1300948-v3 LLO ETMY post-welding pitch value: actions and lessons Norna Robertson et al. Suspensions
13 Dec 2013
T1200416-v2 First Contact and its Effect on Pitch of Optics Mark Barton Modelling
Core Optics
09 Dec 2013
T1200385-v2 LLO BS Prism Gluing Issue and Resolution Janeen Romie et al. Modelling
18 Oct 2013
T1000012-v6 HAM Large Triple Suspension (HLTS) Final Design Document Norna Robertson et al. Final Design
17 Oct 2013
T0900435-v9 HAM Small Triple Suspension (HSTS) Final Design Document Norna Robertson et al. Final Design
10 Sep 2013
G1300830-v1, a Python module for SUS Mark Barton Commissioning
12 Aug 2013
E1000277-v13 Preparation of an end or input penultimate mass (ETM-PM/ITM-PM) (Hydroxide-Catalysis Bonding of ears and gluing prisms and magnet flags) Marielle van Veggel et al. Final Design
25 Jul 2013
T1300534-v1 Exploration of the best way of applying longitudinal force at the quad test mass using the top mass actuators Mark Barton Modelling
13 Jun 2013
E1300502-x0 H1 SUS MC1 Acceptance Document Arnaud Pele et al. Suspensions
30 May 2013
E1300505-x0 H1 SUS MC2 Acceptance Document Mark Barton et al. Suspensions
30 May 2013
E1300504-x0 H1 SUS MC3 Acceptance document Mark Barton et al. Suspensions
30 May 2013
F1000008-v9 Quad Suspension Assembly Process Traveler Template Mark Barton et al. Assembly
25 Apr 2013
E040457-x0 SPECIFICATION: Advanced LIGO Safety Stop Design Requirements Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
14 Dec 2005
G1100769-v2 QUAD Testing Outline, Phase 2B Jeffrey Kissel et al. Core Optics
System Test
Subsystem Test
System Engineering
Basic R&D
Auxiliary Optics
25 Mar 2013
E1300178-v1 Pilot Hang Jig Settings Spreadsheet Mark Barton et al. Assembly
13 Mar 2013
E1000829-v6 BS/FM Prism Gluing Jig Settings Calculation Spreadsheet Marielle van Veggel et al. Suspensions
16 Jan 2013
E1000520-x0 aLIGO SUS Quad Suspension Monolithic Build Testing Procedure Derek Bridges et al. Suspensions
Subsystem Test
17 Oct 2012
E000038-x0 Document Change Notice (DCN) Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
28 Jun 2012
T080096-v1 Wire Attachment Points and Flexure Corrections Norna Robertson et al. Modelling
Subsystem Test
04 May 2012
T1100455-v2 Analysis of position/voltage data on a BOSEM Mark Barton et al. Suspensions
Subsystem Test
21 Feb 2012
G050239-v1 Suspension Modeling in Mathematica™ Mark Barton Modelling
06 Feb 2012
T1100621-v1 Moments of inertia etc for a wedged optic with flats Mark Barton Core Optics
Basic R&D
Auxiliary Optics
14 Dec 2011
E990197-x0 HSTS HLTS Magnet/Standoff Assembly Quality Conformance Worksheet Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
10 Dec 2011
T1000345-v2 The Design of the IGR MKII Strength Testing Machine Russell Jones et al. Suspensions
Basic R&D
11 Oct 2011
D1101707-v3 Shelf, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
D1101706-v2 Horizontal Mount, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
D1101705-v2 Vertical Mount, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
D1101704-v2 Slide Bracket Mount, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
D1101703-v2 Slide-Horizontal Mount, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
D1101701-v2 Cup, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
D1101702-v2 JIG, Eddy current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Final Design
15 Sep 2011
E1100816-x0 SOW, JIG, Eddie current damper, UIM Tooling, aLIGO Sam Barnum et al. Fabrication
28 Aug 2011
T010103-v1 aLIGO Suspension System Conceptual Design Russell Jones et al. Conceptual Design
09 Jun 2011
F1000025-v1 Quad Suspension Metal Build Test Report Template Mark Barton et al. Assembly
Subsystem Test
19 Apr 2011
E1000498-x0 aLIGO SUS BOSEM Testing Documentation Derek Bridges et al. Suspensions
Subsystem Test
Incoming Inspection
04 Mar 2011
E1000500-x0 aLIGO SUS Test Stand and Electronics Testing and Commissioning Documentation Derek Bridges et al. Commissioning
Subsystem Test
28 Feb 2011
E080426-v1 Advanced LIGO ERGO Arm Hazard Analysis Gregg Harry et al. Core Optics
06 Mar 2009
E1000516-x0 aLIGO SUS Quad Suspension Assembly Process Travelers Derek Bridges et al. Assembly
05 Oct 2010
E1000510-x0 aLIGO SUS BSC Suspension Test Stand and Electronics Testing and Commissioning Documentation Derek Bridges et al. Assembly
Final Design
Subsystem Test
04 Oct 2010
E1000511-x0 aLIGO SUS HAM Suspension Test Stand and Electronics Testing and Commissioning Documentation Derek Bridges et al. Assembly
Subsystem Test
04 Oct 2010
T080245-v1 ALIGO NP-type: - Report on bonding Viton stops, magnet holders and break-off prisms at LASTI Russell Jones et al. Suspensions
Subsystem Test
13 Jul 2010
T1000274-v1 Mathematica model of BS suspension (triple model cases 20081113bsZZ and 20081113bsNWZZ) Mark Barton Modelling
25 May 2010
T1000263-v1 Mathematica/Matlab model of ETM/ITM suspension (quad model case 20090819TM) Mark Barton Modelling
20 May 2010
T0900627-v2 Quad Suspension Cable Modeling in Mathematica™ Mark Barton Modelling
Final Design
01 Mar 2010
T1000049-v3 Procedure for monolithic rehang at LASTI Douglas Cook et al. Suspensions
Subsystem Test
25 Feb 2010
T1000041-v1 Electrostatic Drive Soldering Procedure Richard Mittleman et al. Fabrication
01 Feb 2010
P080006-x0 The Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for the Advanced LIGO gravitational wave interferometric detectors David Ottaway et al. Document Migration
Public relations
21 Oct 2009
T0900391-v1 Pulling/Welding Procedure (LASTI, September 2009) Mark Barton Suspensions
Subsystem Test
08 Oct 2009
T070005-v1 Fibre Pulling and Welding Machine Electronics Mark Barton Suspensions
01 Oct 2009
G0900507-v2 Overview of monolithic suspension work for Advanced LIGO Timothy Bodiya et al. Suspensions
Basic R&D
19 Jun 2009
T0900203-v2 Assembly procedure of monolithic part of the suspension for advanced LIGO Giles Hammond et al. Preliminary Design
09 Jun 2009
T0900211-x0 Welding tests at Glasgow (5-8 May 2009) Marielle van Veggel et al. Final Design
06 May 2009
T0900055-v1 Rehang of the Quad NP with glass masses but metal wires (January 12-23 2009) Douglas Cook et al. Suspensions
29 Apr 2009
T080059-v1 Tilt tests on the RAL noise prototype – part 2 Ian Wilmut et al. Suspensions
Basic R&D
02 Mar 2009
T080048-v2 The Review of Production Drawings for the ALIGO ETM Quad End Reaction Mass: Support Notes Ken Strain et al. Final Design
System Test
27 Feb 2009
T030135-x0 Controls Prototype: - Measurements on the Mode Cleaner Triple Pendulum at Caltech Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
16 Jul 2008
T080152-x0 Questions preliminary design review of silica masses for advanced LIGO Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
20 Jun 2008
T070101-x0 Dissipation Dilution Mark Barton Document Migration
04 Jun 2008
T080047-x0 The review of production drawings for the ALIGO ETM Penultimate Mass: support notes Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
23 Apr 2008
T080091-x0 Proposal for baseline change from ribbons to fibres in AdvLIGO test mass suspension monolithic stage Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
21 Apr 2008
T060135-x0 Design development of the SUS ETM structures Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
14 Mar 2008
T060113-x0 Welding and cleaning specification for SUS ETM structures Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
14 Mar 2008
T050257-x0 Quad Pendulum Controls Prototype - Identification of Modes Mark Barton Document Migration
04 Mar 2008
T080023-x0 Test prism glueing on disc insert plates Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
26 Feb 2008
T080020-x0 ALIGO NP-Type: Preparations of prism bonding at LASTI on 11th - 17th February 2008 Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
26 Feb 2008
T080041-x0 ALIGO NP-type - Report on prism bonding at LASTI on 11th -17th February 2008 Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
26 Feb 2008
T070305-x0 ALIGO NP-Type: Report on Ear Bonding at LASTI on 10th -14th December 2007 Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
16 Jan 2008
G070444-x0 Production and characterisation of fused silica suspension ribbons for Advanced LIGO - 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, July 8 -14 2007, Sydney Australia Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
21 Dec 2007
T070298-x0 ALIGO NP-Type: Preparations of Ear Bonding at LASTI on 10th -14th December 2007 Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
06 Dec 2007
G070782-x0 Overview of pendulum parameter sets of 12/13/06 for TM, ERM and CP Mark Barton Document Migration
07 Nov 2007
G070662-x0 Update on AdvLIGO UK project - UK perspective - LSC/Virgo Collaborations Meeting, October 22-25 2007, Hannover Germany Mark Barton Document Migration
29 Oct 2007
T070227-x0 Torsional modes in suspension fibres/ribbons Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
27 Sep 2007
T070138-x0 Ribbon/Fibre Length Budget Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
25 Sep 2007
E070164-x0 Test report on flatness of `B` ears for Advanced LIGO NP-type monolithic suspension Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
18 Sep 2007
E070163-x0 Test report on `A` ears for Advanced LIGO NP-type monolithic suspension Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
18 Sep 2007
T070158-x0 Tooling-induced deformation of ears for Advanced LIGO monolithic suspension Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
18 Sep 2007
T060088-x0 Finite Element Analysis of Advanced LIGO SUS ETM structures using ANSYS workbench Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
07 Aug 2007
T060087-x0 Finite Element Analysis of Advanced LIGO SUS ETM Structures using ANSYS Classic beam models Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
07 Aug 2007
T050255-x0 Investigation into Blade Torsion, Blade Lateral Flexibility, and the Effect They Have on Blade and Wire Performance Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
06 Jun 2007
G070283-x0 Pendulum Modeling in Mathematica and Matlab Mark Barton Document Migration
17 May 2007
T070075-x0 Nonlinear Pitch Effects and Potential Capsize in the Quad Suspension Noise Prototype Mark Barton Document Migration
29 Mar 2007
T060242-x0 Characterization and intensity stabilization of a high-power CO2 laser for fiber-pulling Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
13 Nov 2006
E030546-x0 SPECIFICATION - Suspension Controls Prototype Test Plan Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
25 Oct 2006
T050215-x0 Monolithic stage conceptual design for Advanced LIGO ETM/ITM Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
25 Sep 2006
T060147-x0 Bonding, Ear, Ribbon/Fibre PDR - Response to Committee Report Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
23 Jun 2006
G060086-x0 Modeling of the AdvLIGO Quad Pendulum Controls Prototype - LSC Meeting, March 19-22, 2006, Hanford WA Mark Barton Document Migration
14 Apr 2006
T050237-x0 Advanced LIGO Preliminary Frequency Analysis of the Quadruple Pendulum Controls Prototype (second) Structure Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
13 Apr 2006
T060039-x0 Caltech controls method for suspending masses Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
10 Apr 2006
T060059-x0 Finite Element Analysis of Advanced LIGO SUS ETM Structures Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
16 Mar 2006
G050496-x0 Effect of wire stiffness on pitch modes and correction thereof Mark Barton Document Migration
10 Oct 2005
G050442-x0 E2E Modeling of Violin Mode - LSC Meeting, August 14th - 17th, Hanford WA Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
19 Aug 2005
G050316-x0 Update on Aspects of the Suspension Design for Advanced LIGO Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
28 Jun 2005
T030278-x0 Advanced LIGO SUS Preliminary Frequency Analysis of the Mode Cleaner Structure Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
07 Apr 2005
T050010-x0 Monolithic Suspension Workshop (Glasgow Jan 2005): Minutes & Actions Helena Armandula et al. Document Migration
15 Feb 2005
G040402-x0 AdvLIGO Modecleaner Design and Testing Status - LSC Meeting, August 16th-19th, 2004, Hanford WA Mark Barton Document Migration
20 Aug 2004
T040143-x0 Cross-coupling in quadruple pendulum suspension Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
10 Aug 2004
E021000-x0 SPECIFICATION - Earthquake and Safety Stop Design Requirements Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
09 Aug 2004
E030513-x0 LASTI Prototype Suspension Controller Operation Manual Mark Barton Document Migration
09 Aug 2004
T040028-x0 Investigation of Wire Lengths in Advanced LIGO Quadruple Pendulum Design for ETM/ITM Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
25 Feb 2004
G030385-x0 Suspension Eddy Current Damper Assembly Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
12 Sep 2003
G030350-x0 Triple Update - LSC Meeting, August 18th - 21st, Hannover, Germany Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
09 Sep 2003
G020250-x0 Advanced LIGO Suspension Model in Mathematica - Elba 2002 Mark Barton Document Migration
30 May 2002
G020135-x0 Advanced SUS Model in Mathematica - LSC Meeting, March 20 - 23, Livingston LA Mark Barton Document Migration
28 Mar 2002
G020029-x0 Conceptual Design for Advanced LIGO Suspensions - LSC Meeting, March 20 - 23, Livingston LA Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
28 Mar 2002
E970154-x0 Component Specification - Large Optics Suspension Balancing Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
25 Apr 2001
G010043-x0 Status of LIGO - Aspen Winter Conference on Gravitational Waves and Their Detection Mark Barton Document Migration
23 Feb 2001
G000328-x0 LIGO Seminar 10/27/00: Tuning the LIGO I Suspension Controllers - A Work in Progress Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
20 Nov 2000
T000119-x0 Use of Magnets in the Suspension Design Mark Barton Document Migration
10 Nov 2000
T970189-x0 Pitch Adjustment Magnets for LOS and SOS Mark Barton Document Migration
03 Oct 2000
T000003-x0 Suspension Controller Tuning Procedure, Rev. A Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
18 Sep 2000
T970187-x0 Surface Vectors for Optics in Local Coordinates Mark Barton Document Migration
29 Jun 2000
G000097-x0 Methodology for Determining the Sensing and Actuation Matrices of the Test Masses Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
11 May 2000
G000073-x0 Suspension Diagonalization in LIGO I Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
10 May 2000
T990075-x0 Proposal of a Seismic Attenuation System (SAS) for the LIGO Advanced Configuration (LIGO-II) Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
22 Dec 1999
T990076-x0 Answers to "Isolation Criteria for the LIGO-II Seismic Isolation System" (LIGO-E990304-01-D) Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
22 Dec 1999
G970130-x0 Large Optics Suspension Final Design Review, 25 September 1997 Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
28 Jan 1999
T980084-x0 Transfer Function and Drift Measurments on First Article HAM Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
23 Oct 1998
T970175-x0 A Test for Excess Noise in the Hytec Constrained-Layer Coil Springs Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
14 Nov 1997
T970158-x0 Large Optics Suspension (LOS) Final Design (Mechanical System), Rev. 06 Mark Barton et al. Document Migration
11 Nov 1997

Number of documents found: 188

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