Document List by Author

Reinhard Prix of Albert-Einstein-Institut, Hannover-Data is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T040164-v2 SFT Data Format Version 2--3 Specification Bruce Allen et al. Continuous Wave
12 Nov 2022
T0900149-v6 The F-statistic and its implementation in ComputeFstatistic_v2 Reinhard Prix et al. Continuous Wave
09 Apr 2019
T1500618-v4 Bayesian QNM search on GW150914 Reinhard Prix et al. Compact Binaries
07 Aug 2018
P1600196-v5 Results of an all-sky high-frequency Einstein@Home search for continuous gravitational waves in LIGO 5th Science Run Avneet Singh et al. Continuous Wave
02 Sep 2016
T1600531-v4 Characterizing timing and memory-requirements of the F-statistic implementations in LALSuite Reinhard Prix Continuous Wave
18 Jul 2017
T1700236-v1 Coherent F-statistic on semi-coherent candidate Reinhard Prix Continuous Wave
30 May 2017
P1600285-v21 Validating gravitational-wave detections: The Advanced LIGO hardware injection system Christopher Biwer et al. Detector
20 Feb 2017
P1600212-v9 Results of the deepest Einstein@Home search for continuous gravitational waves from CasA from the S6 LIGO Science Run Sylvia Zhu et al. Continuous Wave
27 Sep 2016
P1600213-v7 Hierarchical follow-up of sub-threshold candidates of an all-sky Einstein@home search for continuous gravitational waves on LIGO S6 data Maria Alessandra Papa et al. Continuous Wave
02 Sep 2016
G1501206-v3 Gravitational Waves from Scorpius X-1: Comparisons of Search Methods and Prospects for Detection with Advanced Detectors John Whelan et al. Stochastic
Continuous Wave
30 Dec 2015
P1300167-v6 Search for continuous gravitational waves: Improving robustness versus instrumental artifacts David Keitel et al. Continuous Wave
16 Jan 2015
P1300105-v5 New Coordinates for the Amplitude Parameter Space of Continuous Gravitational Waves John Whelan et al. Continuous Wave
24 Feb 2014
G1301187-v2 New Coordinates for the Amplitude Parameter Space of Continuous Gravitational Waves John Whelan et al. Continuous Wave
19 Dec 2013
G1300496-v3 Approximation Methods for Bayesian Detection Statistics in a Targeted Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves John Whelan et al. Continuous Wave
19 Dec 2013
T070219-v1 LIGO Data Grid Reference Operating System Erik Katsavounidis et al. Policies
Data and Computing
27 Mar 2013
T1200272-v1 Estimating sensitivity of the Einstein@Home search S5R5 Reinhard Prix et al. Continuous Wave
29 Oct 2012
T1100551-v1 F-statistic bias due to noise-estimator Reinhard Prix Continuous Wave
25 Oct 2011
P060039-v3 Gravitational Waves from Spinning Neutron Stars Reinhard Prix et al. Continuous Wave
13 Dec 2010
P080087-v5 Searching for Galactic White Dwarf Binaries in Mock LISA Data using an F-Statistic Template Bank John Whelan et al. Other data analysis
Continuous Wave
07 Jan 2010
P070029-x0 \mathcal{F} -statistic search for white-dwarf binaries in the first Mock LISA Data Challenge John Whelan et al. Public relations
Document Migration
28 Oct 2009
P070030-x0 Template-based searches for gravitational waves: efficient lattice covering of flat parameter spaces Reinhard Prix Public relations
Document Migration
28 Oct 2009
P070123-x0 Searching for gravitational waves from Cassiopeia A with LIGO Alicia M Sintes et al. Document Migration
Public relations
16 Oct 2009
G0900593-v1 F-Statistic Search for White Dwarf Binaries in the Third Mock LISA Data Challenge John Whelan et al. Other data analysis
Continuous Wave
22 Jun 2009
P0900066-v2 Targeted search for continuous gravitational waves: Bayesian versus maximum-likelihood statistics Reinhard Prix et al. Continuous Wave
22 May 2009
T080340-v1 Searching for Isolated Pulsars Using Einstein@Home: Setting up S4R2 Alicia M Sintes et al. System Test
06 Mar 2009
G090018-x0 F-Statistic Search for White Dwarf Binaries in the Third Mock LISA Data Challenge -- Poster given at GWDAW 13, San Juan, PR, 2009 Jan 19-22 Reinhard Prix et al. Document Migration
16 Jan 2009
T080241-x0 VCS Committee Report Oliver Behnke et al. Document Migration
21 Nov 2008
G070818-x0 Mock LISA Data Challenge 1B: Improved Search for Galactic White Dwarf Binaries Using an F-Statistic Template Bank - GWDAW 12, Dec. 13-16 2007, MIT Deepak Khurana et al. Document Migration
18 Dec 2007
G070871-x0 Random template banks and sensitivity gain through non-optimal parameter space covering - GWDAW 12, Dec. 13-16 2007, MIT Chris Messenger et al. Document Migration
18 Dec 2007
G070593-x0 Einstein@Home Reinhard Prix Document Migration
14 Sep 2007
G070463-x0 Flat Parameter-Space Metric for Continuous Gravitational Waves - 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, July 8 -14 2007, Sydney Australia Reinhard Prix Document Migration
10 Jul 2007
G070462-x0 F-Statistic Search on the Second Mock LISA Data Challenge - 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, July 8 -14 2007, Sydney Australia Reinhard Prix et al. Document Migration
06 Jul 2007
G070353-x0 Einstein@Home Hierarchical Search - LIGO/VIRGO Scientific Collaborations Meeting, May 21-25, 2007, Cascina, Pisa, Italy Reinhard Prix Document Migration
25 May 2007
G060655-x0 Optimal parameter-space covering for continuous-wave searches - GWDAW 11, Potsdam, Germany, December 18-21, 2006 Reinhard Prix Document Migration
10 Jan 2007
G060662-x0 Observing Gravitational Waves from Spinning Neutron Stars - Toulouse, July 6, 2006 Reinhard Prix Document Migration
21 Dec 2006
G060221-x0 Observing Gravitational Waves from Spinning Neutron Stars - 363 rd Heraeus Seminar, May 2006 Reinhard Prix Document Migration
07 Dec 2006
G060181-x0 Einstein@Home: results and status Reinhard Prix Document Migration
07 Dec 2006
G060624-x0 Search for Unknown Spinning Neutron Stars: Optimal Detector Network Reinhard Prix Document Migration
07 Dec 2006
G060124-x0 The metric of the (multi-IFO) F-statistic Metric - LSC Meeting, March 19-22, 2006, Hanford WA Reinhard Prix Document Migration
14 Apr 2006
G050327-x0 Optimal covering of template parameter-spaces - LSC Meeting, August 14th - 17th, Hanford WA Reinhard Prix Document Migration
18 Aug 2005
G050129-x0 Hardware Injections in S4 - LSC Meeting, March 20-23, 2005, Livingston LA Sukanta Bose et al. Document Migration
25 Mar 2005

Number of documents found: 41

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