Document List by Author

Vernon Sandberg of LIGO - Hanford Observatory is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Vernon Sandberg)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T1400160-v8 Optical Lever Inspection and Hanford Thomas Vo et al. Auxiliary Optics
16 May 2017
E021114-x0 RFI Mitigation Review Board Report Rich Abbott et al. Document Migration
12 Feb 2016
T1500405-v1 Hardware Watchdog Chassis Analysis and Review Rich Abbott et al. System Engineering
30 Jul 2015
G060510-v1 Status of the S5 Run - Annual NSF Review, October 23-25, 2006 @ LHO Vernon Sandberg Document Migration
11 Dec 2014
T080243-v1 Advanced LIGO CDS DAQS Design Review Report Vernon Sandberg Preliminary Design
05 Dec 2014
T1100402-v3 ISC RF Photodetector Design: LSC & WFS Rich Abbott et al. Sensing and Control
Final Design
07 Aug 2014
L1400082-v2 LLO Installation Acceptance Review Report Michael Landry et al. Reviews
21 Jun 2014
G1301310-v2 Guardian and ODC Generated State Vectors Vernon Sandberg et al. Data Acquisition System
19 Dec 2013
G1301179-v2 Slow Controls Update/Status Report Vernon Sandberg System Engineering
23 Oct 2013
T080062-v2 UK Satellite Amplifier Test Plan Jay Heefner et al. System Test
18 Sep 2013
T1100455-v2 Analysis of position/voltage data on a BOSEM Mark Barton et al. Suspensions
Subsystem Test
21 Feb 2012
T080046-v1 UK Upper Intermediate Mass Driver Pre-Production Prototype Bench Test and Evaluation Vernon Sandberg et al. Preliminary Design
23 Apr 2009
T070035-v1 UK Coil Driver Reviewer Comments Summary Vernon Sandberg et al. Suspensions
Conceptual Design
13 Mar 2009
G080407-x0 In-vacuum instrumentation reliability evaluation Vernon Sandberg Document Migration
16 Jul 2008
T070284-x0 Recommendations Concerning LIGO Control Room Software Tools for Enhanced and Advanced LIGO Duncan Brown et al. Document Migration
24 Jan 2008
G060054-x0 S5 Report to the LSC - LSC Meeting, March 19-22, 2006, Hanford WA Vernon Sandberg Document Migration
14 Apr 2006

Number of documents found: 16

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